Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys
About Me
Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

Hello world! My name is Mary, and my dog is my best friend. His name is Bandit, and he's a spunky little rescue. He hates to be left alone, and I'll admit that he once broke through a screen, walked several miles to where I was, and sat outside the cafe waiting for me. Since I work from home and don't go out often, I spend a lot of time with him. However, in most cases, owners would need to crate train their dogs in those situations. Anyway, wherever you are in your relationship with your dog, I hope you find what you need in this blog. It's going to be a mixture of fun tips, ideas, and facts. Enjoy!


Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

  • The Pros And Cons Of Choosing A Leather Halter For Your Horse

    15 July 2021

    As you browse the selection of halters at your local tack shop, you'll notice that there are some made from leather and others made from nylon. Which type should you buy? Should you spring for the leather halter, or should you stick with the cheaper nylon? That depends on your preferences. To help you decide, take a look at these pros and cons of leather halters. Pro: Leather looks more professional.

  • Why You Should Include Live Rock In Your Saltwater Aquarium Design

    29 December 2020

    Designing a saltwater aquarium is so much fun, but it's also a very involved endeavor. You get to choose the fish and plants you want to include, and you also get to pick items like the filter system and aquarium lid. One question you're sure to ask yourself when designing a saltwater aquarium is whether or not you should include live rocks. They can be expensive, and the process of curing them before adding them to the tank does take some time.

  • Cat Ownership – It Can Be Easier!

    10 January 2020

    There are four main things that your feline friend needs on a daily basis – food, water, litter, and love. When you're busy with kids, grandkids, work, or what-have-you, it can be difficult to stay on top of keeping all of the supplies stocked up and still have the time to love your kitty like it should be loved. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you get your kitty's necessities without taking away from the precious snuggle time.

  • 4 Tips To Creating A Beautiful Reef Aquarium

    5 January 2019

    Aquariums are great options for people who want pets but live in apartments or who have allergies that prevent them from getting furry companions. Aquariums are a fantastic way to enjoy the wonders of marine life without having to take a trip to the beach. You might have heard that saltwater tanks are hard to maintain, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, reef aquariums are some of the most breathtaking varieties of aquarium.

  • How Cannabis Can Help Dogs

    20 June 2018

    More and more people are learning about the benefits that cannabis can have with regards to helping them through certain illnesses, pains, and other physical or emotional issues. However, not a lot of people give thought to how cannabis may be able to help dogs with some of their issues. The fact is, cannabis can also be beneficial to dogs who are dealing with a variety of ailments themselves. You can learn about some of the different things cannabis can help dogs with right here: